lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

Hello my dear students!

I want to congratulate those few people who uplouded their photos to facebook. The ones that didn't are just ugly! LOL
This time you are going to watch a video from a famous american videoblogger, as you know videobloggers are people that uploud constantly videos about funny things and about their lives. Famous Mexican Video Bloggers are Werewertomorro, Benshorts and Yayo Gutierrez. 
The boy that appears in this video is Connor Fanta and he is also a videoblogger. here he is talking about what people have to avoid when they are meeting someone.

Let's watch the video:

1.-  Mention only one thing you heard you should not do when you like someone. you can't repeat none of your partners answers, every body has to have a different answer. 
2.-  Give another advice to your partners about what things they musn't do when they are with the person they like.

miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

Hi Guys!
I'm sorry for not putting the video sooner! I have been a little busy!
Harlem Shake was the winner!!!!! the majority of you thinks that it is better because it is funnier... I personaly like more Gangnam Style, I guess that is because I'm old! LOL :D

Anyways well done everybody... I love to see your comments!

This weeks assignment is going to be different!
Do you remember this video? You saw it  in class!


Now you are going to do something similar. Here are the instructions for this week's assignment:

1.- Take some pictures of you doing the things you do in a normal day in your life (at least 5 pictures)
2.- Go to your facebook page and create an album with this pictures, in the comments you have to write sentences in PAST SIMPLE, the sentences have to be related to the picture, for example if in the picture there is you brushing you teeth you have to write: I BRUSHED MY TEETH
3.- Once you have your album finished copy the URL from from your album's page. make sure to copy the URL when you are watching the photos on the screen. 
4.- Finally paste the URL here on the blog as a comment. I will click on the link you leave here to see your pictures!

Now in spanish so that you have no doubts:

1.- Tomate fotos (o pide a un amigo que te las tome) haciendo cosas que hacer por lo regular en un dia normal en tu vida (mínimo 5 fotos)
2.- Ve a tu pagina de facebook y crea un álbum con estas fotos, en la descripción escribe oraciones en PASADO SIMPLE que describan la imagen (la actividad que hiciste) por ejemple si en la foto estas tu lavándote los dientes entonces vas a escribir: I BRUSHED MY TEETH.
3.- una vez que hayas terminado de escribir tus oraciones copia el URL de la pagina en la que aparezca tu álbum (asegúrate de que cuando copies la dirección estés viendo en la pantalla el álbum con las fotos).  
4.- Por ultimo pega esta dirección aquí en el blog como un comentario. Yo al darle clic al link que dejaras podre ver tus fotos! 

GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY! I'm excited to see your pictures :) 
I will see you on Saturday!

martes, 16 de abril de 2013

Hello Guys!

I'm glad that some of you are participating here on the blog! It's great... keep on doing that!

The answers from last are here:
1. Where is Lauren at the beginning of her trip? in what city?
   in Los Angeles, California
2. Where is she going to go?
   She is going to go to San Francisco
3. What is she going to do there?
   She is going to sing books
4. What do you think Lauren's job is? What does she do?
   She's a writer
5. What's the name of her book?
6. Where is she signing the books? 
   In San Francisco
7. Where does the tour end? In what city exactly? 
   in Los Angeles, California

This video combine 2 of the most popular trends these days. Do you recognize what are these famous dances? 

Harlem Shake vs. Gangnam Style... Which is better?

watch the video and comment; Which is the best from the 2?
Why do you think it is better than the other one?
leave your comments below... I will see you next saturday :)

martes, 2 de abril de 2013

Activity #1

24 Hours with Lauren Conrad

Here you have the first video and the first activity. This is a video about a normal day of a famous girl. 

Watch the video and after answer the questions below (remember, you have to post the answers as a comment), just as I explained before.

I hope you like this week's video. 


 The Questions!

1. Where is Lauren at the beginning of her trip? in what city?
2. Where is she going to go?
3. What is she going to do there?
4. What do you think Lauren's job is? What does she do?
5. What's the name of her book?
6. Where is she signing the books? 
7. Where does the tour end? In what city exactly? 

After you finish watching the video try to answer the questions. Remember; you have to post your answers as   comments... 

See you soon...